Updated: 24-Mar-2011

Click here to visit Gene's biography!

Old and new, check out our photo gallery now by clicking here!

Transciptions of Gene Pitney's radio and TV interviews from around the globe!

Reviews on Gene's concerts and career from across the globe and spanning the years!

List of all Gene's recorded songs!

Archive TV footage of Gene and more!

An extension to our Tour Dates page, visit here for extras from each tour - including flyers, running orders etc.

So what did you or others think of a show?  Click here to read some views!

Look who these lucky people got to meet!!!

Please sign our guestbook with any feedback, comments, thoughts, etc.

12 months with Gene!

Click here for the best places to see other Pitney websites!

Okay, so there's nothing all that Pitneyish about this, but this is my own little spot to make this site just that wee bit more unique. Below are a collection of cartoons I do of Gene (yeah, I know they don't look like Gene, but they're cartoons and just for fun)





UK 2001 UK 2002 OZ 2003 VEGAS 2003 MOHEGAN
SUN 2004
UK 2004 OZ 2005 UK 2006



'Oz Tour 2003' Collection
'UK 2003!'
'Oz Tour 2002' Collection
'UK/World tour 2002' Collection
'Hall of Famer'
'Out of
this World!'

Christmas 2005
Christmas 2004

(Both draft and final designs)
Christmas 2003
NOTICE: All designs on this page are property of Natasha Douglas and may not be used anywhere else without written permission.

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